Top 3 Things You can do for Your Skin if You Live in Florida

The tropical climate in Florida is blessed with oodles of sunshine which is a blessing unlike the harsh blizzards, icy winter or the gusty autumn, but sometimes the extra strong tropical sun may be much more than your body can handle. In the tropics, the sun is so much closer to the tropics being closest to the equator, which can be rather tough on your skin.

The ill effects of the tropical sun is overtly supplemented by the loss of moisture in the form of visible and invisible sweat from your skin. This dehydration of your skin can result in clogged pores, acne and dehydrated devitalized skin. Besides the enthusiastic sunshine and dehydration, the humid atmosphere in Florida can cause nasty inflammation and help harbour bad bacteria on your skin. Thus, you can see that the Florida sun can be a double-edged sword.

You need to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun, particularly its ill effects on your body’s largest organ, your skin. Keeping skin healthy is a primary concern in sunny Florida and there are various tips and suggestions to keep your skin healthy and supple.

Follow these top 3 things you can do to care for your skin if you live in Florida:

1. Use a Good Sunscreen

Before you move out in the scorching sun, do consider using a good sunscreen to protect your sensitive skin. The latest in sun screens are essentially “physical sun blocks” that use safer ingredients to block the sun physically rather than chemically. The best of the lot are usually supplemented by addition on antioxidants and protective enzymes.

Zinc or Titanium Oxide containing sunscreens are some of the best for your skin. Water-proof and sweat-proof sunscreens are an absolute must because if your skin melts off, it can’t protect you. One good practice is to use sunscreen even in the shade, as the harmful rays of the sun are present on a cloudy day as well.

2. Rehydrate Your Skin

A sunny day can give you a healthy dose of Vitamin D, but it can also dehydrate your skin and destroy it. Remember to rehydrate your skin using moisturizers. Latest moisturizers contain hyaluronic acid, nut or seed oils, and peptides that instantly rejuvenate your skin cells. Skin serums also can provide nutrients and hydration needed by your skin.

Remember to drink plenty of water to hydrate not only your skin but your whole body. Drinking green tea can protect your skin by preventing collagen destruction. Also, use only gentle, non-soap formulas to cleanse your skin to avoid dryness to your skin.

3. Avoid Lighting Up

Cigarette smoking is not only bad for your lungs, it is bad for your skin as well. Smoking is known to reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood, decreasing circulation by about 40 percent, giving smokers a worse complexion than non-smokers. Worse still, wrinkling of skin around your lips and mouths is a common visible effect of lighting it up.

The excessive exposure to the sun’s rays alongwith your smoking habit can be dangerous mix leading to an increase in the risk of skin cancer.

The Herschthal Practice is a dermatologist website with helpful information that can help you keep your skin glowing and healthy by providing you with plenty of resources.

Florida Sunshine

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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