How Healthcare IT Solutions Drive Clinical & Financial Improvement: HIMS Overview

Managing a patient’s health record by mere paperwork is not an easy task. For example, a patient may have to visit two or more doctors for the various organs of the body as there are specialized doctors for each organ, such as cardiologist, dermatologist, dentist, ophthalmologist, and neurologist, etc. To maintain the paperwork for one such patient who has to consult all these doctors consumes time and money. If this is the case with one single patient, just imagine the task of hundreds of patients who visit one hospital in one single day? This is where healthcare IT solutions came into the picture thereby minimizing the paperwork and saving valuable time.

Hospitals have major responsibility of keeping the patient’s health records safe and secure. To keep up the promise, adapting IT solution is necessary. Web-based hospital information system has a greater advantage of simplifying the patient appointment, treatment, billing, payments and services taken from the hospital. Some of the additional benefits of Hospital Information Management System (HIMS) are as follows:

  • Accessibility: Centralization of data makes it easy to access the patient’s health record even if the person visits the other branches of the hospital in any part of the world. This makes it possible for the hospitals to provide the right information at the right time real quick and appropriate.
  • Secure data: By computerizing the data, it gives the benefit of bank-grade security. By protecting the data using passwords, the process becomes safer and easier. Cloud services offer the benefit of back-up facility in off-site locations. In case the system crashes, the data will be safe and secure.
  • Mobile Healthcare: Today anything is possible with a mobile. You can access bank statements, pay telephone bills, electricity bills, etc. through your mobile. Similarly, it is even possible to access your reports. Thus, you can connect to your doctors even while travelling.
  • Superior service: The hospitals and clinics who choose to have cloud-based hospital management system could deliver better service. The ease of system makes the task easily implementable.
  • Technology: The Hospital Information Management System uses the open source platform for the development and is compatible with any operating system as it runs on Mozilla Firefox. Hence, hospitals could reduce the cost of acquiring software and operating system license such as Windows license.
  • Minimize Time and Cost: Cloud computing reduces the risk of capital investment by utilizing the technology to serve the clients better at a fraction of cost. Hospitals can gain rapid return on investment by the system.

In addition to the points mentioned above, the cloud-based application is easy to implement as it could be learned and understood quickly. These systems help by simply expanding the capabliites of the current working condition and they are easy to integrate as well. Electronic Medical Records Software thus promises security and sustainability of health records in a way we could never have imagined in the past.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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