Medical Tests that Everyone Should Have

When it comes to our health, we seem to be willing to jump on whatever promises we can find that claim to be cure-all. We’ll avoid one food group, while binge eating another, work out for hours on end doing a new fad exercise, or take a large regimen of pills promising to shed those extra pounds. However, when it comes to keeping yourself healthy, sometimes all you need to do is take a simple test.

Medical testing is a great way to keep you aware of your body. Sometimes, even when we are healthy, we may be at-risk for certain health conditions simply because of our genes. Testing can help you identify these risks in advance so that you can stay healthy without going to crazy fad-like measures. Whether you are a man or a women, these are the tests that you need to have to make sure that you are doing all that you can to stay healthy.

Blood Test

Medical TestingHeart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and it doesn’t only affect those who are obese. For many of us, our current lifestyles require that we sit at a desk for 8 hours or more a day, and that we consume foods that are highly processed and lacking in adequate nutrition. This sedentary lifestyle, coupled with genetic factors, has spiked the increase in heart disease related deaths.

One of the best ways to monitor the health of your heart is to have a simple blood test. A blood test will be able to determine if your cholesterol and triglycerides levels are normal, and be able to locate any other indicators which may determine whether or not you are at risk for heart disease. By learning in advance that you may be at-risk for heart disease, you can make the lifestyle changes needed to lower your risks which may ultimately save your life.

It is important to remember that heart disease is genetically linked, as well as the result of lifestyle. Because of the genetic factors, even individuals who are not overweight and those who generally lead healthy lifestyles can be susceptible to heart disease, too. To ensure that your heart is healthy, make sure that even if you appear healthy, you also have a blood test.

Cancer Screening

MicroscopyCancer is the second leading killer in the United States, and many of those deaths are due to individuals being diagnosed in the late stages of their cancer. Many cancers are highly treatable and have high survival rates if they are found in the early stages. However, cancers such as breast, lung, and lymphoma, which are all very common, have a low survival rate when found in the later stages.

Braf mutation testing and Kras mutation testing are two ways for individuals to learn whether or not they have gene mutations that could potentially produce certain types of cancer in the future. These tests are not invasive, only requiring a large urine sample, and can give individuals advanced knowledge about their potential risks for cancer so that they can better monitor their body. Better monitoring means that a person will be more likely to catch cancer in its early stages, and be more likely to survive.


Colonoscopy ProcedureHearing the word ‘colonoscopy’ is enough to make just about anyone cringe or make a funny face. It is a test that nearly everyone feels uncomfortable about, but it is highly necessary. Colorectal cancer is a form of cancer that can be found in either the colon, the rectum, or both, and can be highly fatal if it is not detected early. During a colonoscopy, doctors are able to look for polyps in the colon, remove them, and then biopsy any found polyps to determine if they are cancerous.

All people should schedule their first colonoscopy at age 50. However, if anyone in your family has ever been diagnosed with colorectal cancer, you may need to schedule your colonoscopy even sooner. It is recommended that those with a family history of colorectal cancer schedule their first colonoscopy 5 years before the age of the last person diagnosed. So if your mother was diagnosed at the age of 50, you would need to schedule your test at age 45.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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