Why you need to get a Flu Shot this Winter

Flu is a viral infection that can cause hospitalisation and at worst, death – but in most cases you end up with a nasty case of influenza and a couple of weeks of horrible fever and be bed-ridden many a time. Each influenza season is different from the next in intensity, and flu can affect different individuals in various ways and intensities. Even really healthy people can get horrible cases of the flu and spread it around to others. It doesn’t matter if you live on a diet consisting entirely of kale and wheatgrass smoothies, you need to make sure that come this winter, you’re getting out there and making sure that you have yourself a flu vaccine for yourself.

If you have mates or loved ones who loathe to do anything like getting a vaccine against flu, then be sure to encourage them to get a flu shot with you. Why not? If you work in an office, then you should speak to your bosses about getting a nurse or chemist in to get the whole office vaccinated at once. Why not speak to someone at Chemmart Pharmacy who can help you to arrange the possibly winter-saving solution to your flu woes?

How do flu vaccines work?Vaccines Cartoon

When the friendly nurse gives you your shot, you’ll get something injected into your body, which will cause antibodies against the flu to grow in the body around two weeks after you get the shot. These antibodies give security against contamination from the flu should you happen to get sneezed on by some rogue un-vaccinated person on the tram. And given how packed the 96 tram gets around winter time when it’s freezing and everyone wants to get home at the same time, the chances of getting into contact with someone carrying the flu virus is pretty high. Why not make sure you’re protected? You wouldn’t go out if you knew it was raining without carrying an umbrella, would you? A flu shot is basically your umbrella against the great flu-bearing population of the world.

Who should get vaccinated this (and every) year?

If you’re 6 months or older then yep, you guessed it. Better line up for the nurse and roll up your sleeve. Well, if you’re a 6 month old baby you probably don’t need to roll up your sleeve, maybe just keep nestling yourself into your mother’s arms. Good stuff, baby. If you’re a grown-up adult like the rest of us, then get yourself to the doctor or pharmacy for your shot! There has been a suggestion in place for years that people should get vaccinated against the flu, and there is a huge incentive for people who are at high risk for flu infection to get it done. The worst part about getting the flu when you are at high risk wouldn’t be getting the flu itself, but the fact that it was avoidable with just a simple shot.

Who shouldn’t have a flu shot? Is there anyone?

The only people who can’t and should not get the flu vaccine are people who are under 6 months of age (obviously – as outlined above) and people who have severe and life threatening allergies to the flu vaccine. Obviously. These people have a reason not to get a flu shot, but for everyone else there’s really no reason not to!

Flu shots are such a simple way to get yourself ready for the winter season, and then once you’ve got it done you don’t even need to think about anything else except how you’re going to keep your feet dry while you’re caring for all of your other stupid mates who didn’t get the damn vaccine.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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