Scalp Pigmentation – End Your Scalp Worries

After his good looks, the second thing that makes a man look attractive and stylish is his  personality. Your hair forms a vital part of your personality and adds glamour to your face. With more than 12 million men annually experiencing the problem of hair loss and 45 percent of men facing hair loss by the age of 35, hair loss seems to be one of the major problems faced by men throughout the world.

Touching your scalp to feel the few strands of hair left are you?

If you too are suffering from hair loss and getting close to becoming bald, scalp pigmentation is just what you should be looking at. With the worldwide revenue for surgical hair being estimated at around $1.87 billion, you must be wondering if it is all a faux or it really has something in store for you. There is a lot you can do and you don’t really have to worry about looking bald anymore. Scalp pigmentation can help your scalp not seem bald and you to enjoy your life, more.

Hair Restoration – Keeping your hair healthy

In 2010, around 279,381 surgical hair restoration procedures were carried out around the globe and the figure seems to be increasing year after year. Yes, there are methods which can help you get back your lost hair though some of them truly work to give positive lifelong results.

The Vinci Scalp Pigmentation Procedure is the most effective of them all which helps to create a look of short or shaved hairs coming right through the scalp. This is achieved by placing pigments quite strategically on the scalp even on areas that have totally gone bald. The major benefits of doing so are:

  • No more looking bald! – Such a process takes away your worry of having to look bald when in the company of others and helps boost your confidence to a large extent.
  • A new look – You get a completely new look. People simply cannot guess that the hair ‘growing’ on your scalp is a hair procedure and not real hair.
  • The right deal the first time – Studies reveal that 37 percent of the patients had to undergo 2 or more than 2 procedures to achieve the desired results. Vinci’s Scalp Pigmentation assures perfectly desirable results in the very first procedure itself.

Scalp Pigmentation

How can the procedure help?

One does not require any medication or regular maintenance by getting this amazing procedure done. Other procedures need regular maintenance and involve the consumption of loads of medicines every day.

The hair restoration procedure at Vinci’s boasts of more than 10, 000 satisfied clients who have not only gained their lost hair but also their self esteem by using this amazing technique. Be it students, celebrities or just a normal individual, all their clients consider the Scalp Pigmentation process to be a permanent and cost effective solution to thinning of hair and baldness.

Vinci Hair Clinic can help you with your pigmentation worries.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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