Reasons to Consider Artificial Insemination

Couples struggling with conception naturally seek additional treatment options to fulfill their dreams of having a family. There are a variety of treatment options available for couples that qualify. Artificial insemination is one option for healthy couples to consider.

In rare occasions, some couples are simply unable to conceive by any means. What a couple should do is remain positive, speak with several physicians and follow their treatment advice.

Most treatment plans begin with a change in lifestyle. This prepares both bodies for the conception process. It also improves the overall health of both partners to increase the chances of conception, either naturally or via assisted reproduction.

Fertility Difficulties

For most couples, females are the ones that have fertility difficulties most often. This can be due to medical conditions, stress and obesity. It is ideal for women to change their lifestyles and make their bodies healthier.

This is one way to help reduce fertility difficulties naturally.

Some women have underlying medical conditions that make conception difficult or even impossible. There are methods that doctors can consider to improve fertility and reduce the difficulties experienced by a couple.

Inability to Time Ovulation Properly

Conception issues for some couples are as simple as not having the ability to properly time ovulation. Even with new technology from ovulation predictors, the timing can still be off.

What a physician can do is study a female’s cycle for 2 – 3 months. What this will tell the physician is whether or not she is ovulating at the right time, or even at all. Once an ovulation determination is made, further treatment can begin.

Physicians often teach women how to count their most fertile days using a calendar. For most, this is 7 – 10 days after the first day of their period. The most fertile times during this period are measured by a basal body temperature.

When the body temperature rises higher than 99.3 degrees, this is the key time to attempt conception. This is the most prominent indicator of ovulation occurrence.

High Stress Levels

High stress levels are another culprit in fertility problems. Physicians will instruct couples to exercise, meditate and sometimes seek counseling to reduce stress in their lives.

This puts a huge damper on natural conception attempts, and can even hinder artificial insemination procedures. Stress tells the body that there is too much going on and a baby would just complicate life.

Unsuccessful Natural Conception

This is a given when it comes to a couple seeking conception assistance. Infertility can be caused from being overweight, medical conditions, and sometimes, no reason at all. Yes, there are unexplained instances of infertility.

Assisted reproductive procedures are made available to those that cannot conceive naturally. Insemination is generally the first procedure attempted following a cycle of oral medication and/or hormone injections with negative results.

This is the least invasive procedure where assisted conception is required.

Unsuccessful Attempts via Oral Medication Treatment

Following oral medication such as Clomid is often prescribed to try to boost hormone production in a subtle way. This medication also generates more eggs to be produced. When this does not work, insemination, in vitro and other options are considered.

Assisted reproductive procedures are a savior for thousands of couples every year. Again, follow your physician’s instructions completely. Missing one single step or instruction can result in failed attempts to continue.

Artificial and assisted procedures can be made available for couples that can get healthy, afford the treatments and have determination. Some procedures can be tried up to one dozen times before another option is required. Stay positive, medical advancements can do amazing things these days.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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