The Popularity of Looking Good and How to Avoid Bad Cosmetic Surgery

Both men and women turn to cosmetic surgery to feel better, appear younger and enhance their appearance. Whilst these beauty boosting procedures are more common in women, it’s not unusual for men to want a better definition in the concept of what’s considered “beautiful”.

We have all seen or heard about the horror stories of what can go wrong with cosmetic surgery though. How this determination to look beautiful can fall into a heap of broken fairy tales when you wake up and look in the mirror, only to regret your decision. Every potential patient fears one thing – looking like they’ve had work done. The number of successful surgeries however, significantly outnumbers those where patients show obvious (unnatural) signs they’ve had work done. So how do you escape being a victim of less-than-stellar results? We explore what you should avoid and how you can go from a surgery that can make you not-hot to hot.

Tell-tale Signs of Cosmetic Surgery Gone Wrong

The biggest sign of cosmetic surgery is if someone can notice that work has been done. But, there’s a difference between noticing it in the way you want people to, in comparison to “bad work” that stands out because it doesn’t look natural on a person’s body or face.

Surgery Words

There are so many reasons people choose to have cosmetic surgery, and when you visit a cosmetic surgeon they will ask what your reason is. They do this for two reasons – to determine if they can do it, for example if a patient wants to look exactly like their favourite celebrity, this may not be possible due to the unique body shapes people have; and secondly, to decide if you are suitable for the procedure.

With body procedures like breast augmentation, anything that is excessively too large for the body form or out of proportion from a person’s frame is usually a sign of surgery. Whilst some patients may opt for this “unnatural look”, most simply want to beautify themselves in the most natural possible way.

1. Have the Right Reasons  

Cosmetic surgery is implemented to boost your outward appearance and whilst it will make you feel better about yourself, it won’t cure all the self-esteem issues on the inside. Your reasons for wanting to appear younger or look better should be you and for you only, not because someone else suggested it or your spouse wants you to.

It’s important you be honest with your surgeon too. This will ensure you get the best care possible and eliminate any risks. Be truthful about any medical conditions, including supplements you’re taking. Be honest about your drinking habits, your lifestyle and medical history. Leaving anything out, even if it seems irrelevant to you, can be vital to the success and safety of your surgery.

2. Know your Expectations – Before, During and After your Surgery

Any procedure that involves being anesthetised should be understood by the patient as clearly as possible. When you’re considering cosmetic surgery, your doctor will explain to you what’s involved and what to expect after. Will there be pain or discomfort? Will there be a period of time where you won’t look “normal”? Don’t be afraid to ask questions and communicate clearly with your chosen surgeon to avoid any misinterpretations.

3. Choose a Good Surgeon

Feeling comfortable with your doctor is one the most important factors when considering cosmetic surgery. Not only do you want them to be knowledgeable and experienced with the procedure, but you want them to be caring and supportive too.

A good surgeon will understand your goals and concerns, and work closely with you to ensure your expectations are realistic and are met. They will be certified and have a good track record of performing your procedure, with a gallery of pervious results to show you. Don’t be afraid to ask for a portfolio of work or testimonials to make you feel more comfortable about your decision.

4. Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat well, are non-smokers and avoid blood thinners will often heal much faster after surgery. That’s not to say that patients in this category aren’t able to undergo cosmetic procedures, but it’s definitely advised you follow a healthy lifestyle plan at least 2 weeks prior to surgery.

5. Don’t Disregard Your Surgeon’s Advice

Your surgeon is an experienced medical professional that will guide you through the experience and offer valuable advice that shouldn’t be ignored. Cosmetic surgery is more than getting your hair done, and so it’s not unusual for them to recommend tests and screenings before the actual procedure.

Every surgery carries risks so it’s vital you listen carefully to them and the possible complications that are associated with your chosen procedure.  If your surgeon recommends quitting smoking before undergoing the surgery, you should endeavour to do so. Any advice offered will help limit complications, speed your recovery and maximise potential results.

6. You Get What You Pay For

Don’t bargain-hunt when it comes to choosing a surgeon. When things are really cheap, there is usually a reason. Quality over cost is the best mindset for cosmetic surgery. This being said, make sure you are knowledgeable about costs involved – cosmetic surgery is rarely covered by health insurance, so in most cases, you will be paying for the procedure out of your own pocket.

7. Take Your Time

Decisions like this can’t just be made over night, it takes time to be assured it’s exactly what you want and then to research and educate yourself about it as much as possible. Evaluate your options, opt for second opinions and most of all – don’t rush into a spontaneous decision. Cosmetic surgery can be a wonderful decision in your life, if done well, and for the right reasons.

[box type=”note”]Author Bio: This article is written by Jayde Ferguson, who writes for Robert Goldman, an experienced cosmetic surgeon specialising in breast augmentation in Perth, Western Australia.[/box]

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Jayde Ferguson
Jayde Ferguson

writes for Robert Goldman, an experienced cosmetic surgeon specialising in breast augmentation in Perth, Western Australia.

Articles: 1


  1. Don’t be afraid to ask people about their surgeons also. Getting the cosmetic surgery industry regulated is tough but if you know of someone who is quite open about their cosmetic surgery, find out what clinic they went to.
    It saves some heartache, when you try someone out just because they’re cheap or were the most conveniently located.
    If you don’t have health insurance, compensation afterwards is sometimes an option but it’s better to avoid that kind of hassle.

  2. I really agree with this post. I feel that it is important to think things through before getting surgery, any kind of surgery. Some may fail to recognize that cosmetic surgery is like any other surgery that has risks and complications.

  3. Thanks for laying out this check list for people looking to get cosmetic surgery. There’s nothing like doing the research first to help you make an informed decision.

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