Botox: What You Need to Know

When considering a botox injection, you simply can't afford not to be completely clued up about exactly what the procedure is and what the risks are, which admittedly are small but do exist. There is a plethora of factors you need to consider, and certain things you just need to know. Here we take a look at some of the vital information anybody must familiarise themselves with if seriously contemplating having botox.

So, what is botox exactly?

In layman's terms, botox is a prescription medicine being used to give users that younger look. It can prevent wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles.

In more scientific terms, botox is simply a common trade name for the neurotoxic protein called botulinum toxin. This toxin is produced by bacteria called Clostridium botulinum and it's not only used for cosmetic purposes. Botox is also used medically to help treat chronic pain, migraine headaches, neuropathy and dystonia. It is also being used to improve the life quality of people with overactive bladders and enlarged prostates, among other uses.

History of Botox

Although it has just become popular in recent years, Botox has been around since the 1960s.

Botulinum toxin is a toxic chemical that can be dangerous and quite fatal if applied in wrong doses or forms. It causes botulism that can result in fatalities in both humans and animals. However, clinical use of this toxin has been popularly “accepted” as one of the many prescribed drugs that one can access like any other prescribed medicine.

Although it was only approved for the treatment of several medical conditions in 1989, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only approved Botox for use in cosmetic surgery in 2002. Regardless of this fact, this is a substance that has been used for many decades without regulation.

For a further look at cosmetic surgery and techniques visit these sites:

What is the secret of botox and what are the side effects?

There is absolutely no magic that Botox does to one’s body other than weaken or paralyze the targeted muscles and blocking some nerves. On average, the effects that someone's body experiences after this injection can last for up to 12 months. This is dependent on the dosage prescribed and injected as well as what it is being injected for.

Like any other drug, Botox also has its own share of side-effects, such as a mild droopiness of the eyelids or eyebrows which usually lasts for a week or two. Some have experienced stomach upsets after getting the procedure, others have complained of flu-like symptoms and headaches. Another possible side-effect which is more common is bruising and swelling of the injected area.

Any benefits of using botox when compared to going under the knife?

When used for cosmetic purposes, Botox can yield desired results without the need to go under the scalpel. Doing that would consequently give you weeks or months of recuperation and wound healing. Botox wouldn't give you this.

If you’re interested in undergoing a session of botox, talk to a professional team of surgeons at American British Surgical & Medical Centre

Are there any times one shouldn't get botox?

As with any other medical application, it is important to consult a medical practitioner first. There are certain times when you shouldn't get the procedure carried out. For instance, it is not advisable for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers to use Botox.

Botox Injection

For all queries and questions and if you’re not sure it is for you, you can read these articles:

To use or not to use?

The use of Botox is purely a personal choice. It is up to a person’s personal objectives and desires to turn to non-surgical cosmetic procedures if they wish to, as much as others would go for traditional cosmetic surgery. However, it is important that the person always fully understands the procedure and the risks attached. You must be fully comfortable with all of this before committing to getting the procedure done.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

Articles: 1079


  1. I agree that before having Botox, we should consider consulting an experienced physician. I also support your point that Botox might cause some side effects like bruising or swelling. But I would like to mention that there is a new technique known as anti-bruising microcannula which removes all the side effects of Botox.

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