How to Survive a Heat Wave in New York City?

Pleasantly warm weather is a plus. Balmy spring days of just the right temperature can feel like an invitation to enjoy the outdoors. If it is around 65 degrees or so, you’ll probably envision going to a park or beach, and perhaps playing golf or volleyball. However, if the temperature keeps rising, the situation can get uncomfortable quickly – especially in the middle of a New York City heat wave.

A heat wave is just what it sounds like – a period of extreme heat. This could be very dry, or it could be humid. Either way, it results in conditions that make day-to-day life difficult. Moderating those conditions successfully will have a positive effect on your time at home.

Hot Days in the City

NYC has many benefits, many of which are known all over the world. There are great shops and restaurants, interesting exhibitions, an amazing diversity of cultures, and the greatest entertainment in the world. All of those things are hard to enjoy though if the weather gets too hot.

When it does, the whole city can seem like a giant oven. Buildings, sidewalks and blacktop can all overheat, magnifying the effect. It may feel like there is no source of relief. Happily though, there are things you can do to improve your situation, even in the most extreme heat wave in NYC.


Nature’s original remedy for when you’re hot is still the best one. Drink plenty of water, and keep a bottle of it with you throughout the day. It will rehydrate your body in ways that other drinks like soda pop and coffee cannot. It will also give you a sense of relief that can go a long way to improving your mood and your perception of how hot you are.


If you have air conditioning, that’s great. If you don’t, you can still try other things to cool the air in your home. One excellent option is cross ventilation. This is simply a matter of opening different windows that are across from each other. Those may be on opposite sides of the house or just on opposite sides of a room. Cross ventilation helps move the air, which has a cooling effect while letting excessive built-up heat out through the windows. Additionally, the more air you have available the better you can breathe, which will make the overall heat wave easier to withstand.


Wearing cool clothes will also help tremendously. Try to wear short-sleeved shirts and shorts if possible. Those made of lightweight breathable fabric will be preferable. If you have some in light colors, that will help as well.

You also might want to consider changing clothes at some point in the day. During the most extreme NYC heat wave, your clothing can heat up and absorb your body temperature and perspiration. If you change into other clothes that haven’t absorbed all that heat, you can experience a cooling effect.

Reducing Heat Sources

You can prevent adding to the heat by avoiding use of your stove or oven. Consider using your microwave instead, which won’t make your kitchen hotter as it warms up food and drinks. It is also a good idea to shut off unneeded electric devices, which may be a source of unwanted extra heat as well. Turning off extra lights and shading the windows will also be instrumental.

Protecting Yourself

If you have to go outside, make sure to bring your water bottle with you. Wear sunscreen on any uncovered parts of your body, because if the sun hits them you will quickly overheat. Sunglasses can help avoid a strain on your eyes, and a big hat with a wide brim will provide shade for your face.

[box type=”note”]About the Author: This is a guest post by guest author Jonathan Mehlig. Jonathan currently writes for where you can find the best electricity rates for the Big Apple.[/box]

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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