10 Tips for Overcoming Back Pain

While there are any number of physical ailments that can hinder the human form, back pain remains one of the most complex. With varying degrees of severity and a host of potential triggers, it can limit a sufferer’s mobility while being difficult to diagnose definitively. Given that back pain can also be linked to stress and psychological disorders, those who carry this burden can find the quality of their life greatly diminished. Even without a diagnosis, however, it is still possible to overcome back pain and manage it effectively.

10 Tips for Easing Back Pain: Adopting a Proactive Approach to Physical Well Being

With these points in mind, what steps can you take to ease back pain and maintain a higher quality of everyday life? Consider the following:-

1. Embrace Light Exercise and Yoga: So long as your back injury is not too debilitating, gentle exercise and yoga sessions can help to stimulate greater mobility. Yoga is particularly beneficial in the quest to ease long term back pain, as it teaches good posture and strengthens a number of the body’s core muscle groups.

2. Consider the Importance of your Mattress: The average human spends almost a third of their life asleep, so a comfortable mattress is crucial to avoiding back pain. Consider purchasing higher quality, deep mattresses that provide adequate support for your back, as they also enable you to sleep comfortably and in a natural position.

3. Learn How to Deal with Stress: Emotional stress is a common trigger of back pain, so those who are vulnerable to this must learn to manage their feelings in a calm and self-assured manner. By practicing deep breathing and remaining relaxed in a crisis, you can eliminate stress and ease the pressure placed on your body.

4. Lift Carefully and Responsibly: When it comes to lifting and performing arduous manual labour tasks, it is all too easy to neglect the virtues of form and moderation. So never lift items that are too heavy for you to comfortably hold, and remember to keep your back straight as you elevate items from the floor.

5. Remain Well Hydrated at All Times: If you have ever suffered with a mysterious pain in your head or neck, it may well have been triggered by chronic dehydration. If you do not drink enough fluid regularly, you may ultimately suffer with significant back pain and reduced mobility. This is easy enough to avoid, however, so long as your drink regularly and avoid sugar laden beverages such as soda.

6. Remain Mobile While at Work: For anyone who works in an office space, maintaining an active lifestyle can be extremely challenging. Regular mobility is extremely important if you wish to avoid long term back issues, however, as it helps to keep your spine flexible and agile. So be sure to take breaks from your desk every 30 minutes and strive to leave the office for lunch when possible.

7. Keep your Weight Down: This may be common sense, but carrying excess weight places a significant strain on your back and lower body. By maintaining an active lifestyle and a healthy weight, you can ease any existing back pain symptoms and ease the burden based on your spine.

8. Invest in Regular Massage Therapy: While many of you may enjoy the occasional massage, few will invest in a regular course of treatment from industry professionals. This is an excellent and non-invasive way of combating back pain, however, while it also works as a reactive method of dealing with injuries and sudden traumas.

9. Acupuncture and Herbal Remedies: While herbal remedies and the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture were once derided by medical professionals, they have now been fully embraced as modern treatments. Acupuncture can be a particularly effective way of relieving back pain, especially when deployed as part of a more comprehensive package of care.

10. Live a Balanced Lifestyle: One of the most effective ways to avoid or combat back pain is to live a balanced lifestyle, by avoiding excess and eliminating any bad habits. By refining your diet, eliminating smoking and ensuring that your body rests between period of exertion, it is possible to protect your spine from both short and long term damage.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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