[INFOGRAPHIC] Looking Into Energy Drink Addiction

So many people today are not totally aware of just what effects the seemingly so popular energy drinks on the market can have on the body. One very addictive drug which is used within many drinks is caffeine whose attraction to the makers of the drink is that it entices more repeated consumption. This then obviously leads to a bigger bottom line for the company selling it. The fact of the matter is that energy drink addiction is a real possibility today and this can be harmful to the person involved. Looking at the infographic below can be of great assistance making that point.

Energy Drink Addiction - Infographic

Courtesy of: Therapeutic Boarding Schools For Teens – TheFamilyCompass.com

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Agnes Jimenez
Agnes Jimenez

AJ is a professional blogger and writer. She writes for many online establishments and currently partners with those ones with missions that are in line with her advocacy.

Articles: 3

One comment

  1. I have seen this to be a big problem among teens and college students. My elder one has managed not to depend too much on energy drinks but his friends seem to be hooked on them.

    These drinks are bad for anyone irrespective of gender or age.

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