5 Important Things to Know About Hair Restoration

For so many men and women out there, the mere thought of going bald at a young age is no less terrifying than spending a night at the Amityville Horror House. This is because having a full head of hair is seen by most of society as an attractive and powerful trait.

When you begin to go bald, it can feel like your youth, power and virility are all disintegrating at once. That's no fun for anyone.

5 Important Things to Know About Hair Restoration

So what should you do if you begin losing your hair? Should you undergo the hair restoration process? Or let nature run its course?

The truth is, 1 in 5 people in the U.S. under the age of 30 are losing their hair to some degree. This means that anyone who is experiencing hair loss can glean some comfort knowing they are far from being alone in this.

In fact, by the age of 50, 85 percent of men will have had major hair loss. Most are accepting their fate and letting nature take its course, but there are always alternative routes you can take if you aren't ready to take the cueball plunge.

This guide reveals 5 important things you will need to consider if you're not ready to let your hair go and instead prefer to take the hair transplant route.

1. How Does a Hair Transplant Work?

Before choosing to get a hair transplant, you'll want to keep in mind that this is not like using hair restoration products like Rogaine or Minoxidil.

During a hair transplant procedure, working hair follicles and their roots are removed from your head and then surgically transplanted to the balding parts of your head. The area containing the hairs that are surgically removed from your head is called the donor site. The area of the head the donated hairs are transplanted to is called the recipient site.

2. Quick Yet Delicate Recovery Period

This is a non-invasive procedure, but some major precautions must be had during the recovery period, which takes 3 to 4 weeks.

You should:

  • Avoid shampooing your hair until 3 to 5 days after surgery
  • Do not touch your transplanted area during this period
  • Consider wearing a shower cap
  • Only sleep on your back

If you're positive that restoring your hair is right for you, consider getting a hair transplant by Dr. Jacono.

3. The Cost of Treatment

There are many factors to this. Since every patient is different, the cost of a hair transplant has a pretty wide range, from $4,000 to $15,000.

Unfortunately, most insurance plans consider this a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical procedure. Therefore, almost all will not cover it.

4. When You Will See Results

It will take an extended period for the recipient site to fully emerge after the surgery. Typically, it takes around 8 months for 80 percent of the donated hair to appear.

Keep in mind that everyone's hair grows back differently. For many patients, the hairs in the recipient area should grow back around 4 months after surgery, but the time frame can vary.

The procedure will almost always work in time, but it doesn't guarantee a full head of thick and dense hair. The strength and speed of this procedure depend wholly upon the strength of the host site where the hair was transplanted from.

5. Make Sure You Need Hair Restoration

For people whose hair loss has stabilized, hair restoration is considered a powerful solution. But, getting a hair transplant at a young age is usually advised against.

This is because hair loss surgery can accelerate hair loss in candidates who have only just begun to notice signs of receding hair.

Be Confident in Who You Are!

Hair loss treatments, whether they are hair transplants or products like Rogaine or Minoxidil, shouldn't be seen as a means to achieving high self-esteem. It simply must be said that hair restoration treatment alone doesn't make you a more attractive person, but it can only empower you to more confidently express the physical embodiment of who you are.

No matter what stage you're at in the balding process, you should always be able to look in the mirror and see someone who deserves love, respect, and kindness.

Keep browsing the rest of this section for more lifestyle tips and tricks.

Funny Hair Loss Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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