5 Research-Backed Health Benefits of CBD

The desire to be healthy is an omnipresent yearning for us. In present circumstances, when the world is reeling under pandemics, accomplishing human wellbeing has become an even tougher task. If we wish to be in sound health, we should have access to effective medications regularly. However, often, prescription medications do not yield results in critical ailments, and we are pushed to try our luck with over-the-counter drugs.

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In such a context, non-traditional ways of treatment have gained a lot of ground, of late. Among such medications, CBD has attracted a lot of attention and is being used by a lot of people to take care of their physical issues.

Facts about CBD

Those of you who are new to alternative medications in general, and cannabis in particular, must be thinking what is CBD? CBD or cannabidiol is a cannabinoid of the Cannabis Sativa species. The substance is mainly processed from the Hemp strain of cannabis. CBD holds excellent remedial value and is one of the most considered non-conventional healing materials that can manage several severe health conditions, such as chronic pain, gut issues, inflammation, insomnia, epilepsy, etc. In this article, we are going to look at five health benefits of CBD that are backed by scientific research.

1.   CBD helps to reduce pain and inflammation

Reduce Pain and Inflammation

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Pain and inflammation are some of the common nuisances most of us have to face in daily life. Pain can be caused by various factors, such as injuries, bad postures, critical diseases, medications, and even old age. Long-existing pain in the bones sometimes leads to issues such as arthritis. Pain and inflammation create a lot of trouble in professional and personal spheres and make even everyday tasks a burden.

CBD is a potent treatment of various kinds of pain as studies have proven it to be an excellent antidote to pain, inflammation, and associated neuropathic issues. CBD treats both neuropathic and nociceptive pain. Besides reducing pain and inflammation, CBD also improves bone health and suppresses a critical bone-related disease called Osteoporosis. Besides this, one can improve your sense of well-being with CBD and feel relaxed at all times.

2.   CBD controls anxiety and elevates mood

Mood-related issues and anxiety are some of the symptoms of ill-health. Due to various mental and physical stress, we often become irritated physically as well as psychologically. Severe health issues also contribute to the generation of anxiety.

CBD, with its antidepressant properties, assists in controlling stress, anxiety, and improves cognitive functions. CBD achieves this by a complicated process in which it reacts with the Serotonin and Adenosine receptors in the human endocannabinoid system. Scientific studies suggest that CBD can make people relaxed and stop them from relapsing into anxiety. CBD also helps you in reducing your dependency on prescription medications, which also helps to reduce stress in your body.

3.   CBD reduces the chances of obesity and diabetes

Obesity and Diabetes Blog Post

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Whether a teenager or a working professional, most of us are afraid of becoming overweight. Gaining excessive weight can be caused by several factors such as genetics, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, powerful medicines, severe diseases, etc. Excessive body-weight also heightens the risks of type 2 diabetes.

Surveys conducted with cannabis suggests that cannabinoids have a role in lowering body mass index, limiting waist size, and decreasing the risks of obesity and diabetes. Excessive insulin in the human body can cause extra weight. Medical experiments have shown that CBD promotes weight loss by converting white fat to brown fat, regulating sugar metabolism, and insulin generation. So, a consistent application of CBD will undoubtedly help you to limit the risks of obesity and diabetes.

4.   CBD enhances sleep quality and helps in recovery

The ability to sleep well is a marker of good health. Not getting enough sleep may affect your growth, stamina, and speed of recovery from fractures or muscle strains. The lack of sleep can be caused by lifestyle changes, stress, physical issues, or medications. Reduced sleep quota makes people all the more weak and vulnerable to severe diseases.

Besides its general healing qualities, CBD is an excellent inducer of sleep, thanks to its soothing effect. CBD’s antidepressant properties also help in making you feel relaxed throughout the day. A body that receives proper rest becomes lively, immune, and grows much faster. However, if you wish to utilize CBD specifically for having a good sleep, it is better to try it with THC. THC is more sedative in nature, and a combination of both these cannabinoids creates an entourage effect which enhances the impact of these cannabinoids on your system. Alternatively, one can grow cannabis at the comfort of their home and one can buy High Supplies Premium Cannabis Seeds online and reap similar benefits.

5.   CBD improves nutrition and energy

CBD Improves Nutrition and Energy

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In our fast-paced life, we often fail to maintain our diet and exercise routine, leaving ourselves short of nutrition and energy. Lack of adequate nutrition in the body results in weak health and reduced productivity in our day-to-day lives. CBD helps in controlling your metabolism and appetite. It even helps you to lose excessive weight. Hemp-derived CBD provides necessary nutrients to your body, such as vitamins, minerals, essential fats, proteins, etc.

CBD’s ability to improve stamina is also essential if you do regular exercises. The soothing effect that CBD provides also makes sure that you remain engaged in your training for more extended periods and don’t feel stressed. CBD also helps you in fast muscle tissue recovery so that you get a lean body.

Dosage of CBD

Dosage of CBD

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There are several profiles of CBD products, and each of them will require a different dosage. CBD products like pills and orally-consumed oil will take a very tiny dose to show the results. Other CBD products like gummies, chocolates, shakes, and lotions will take longer to show impact, depending on the concentration level of CBD in them. If you are a beginner, start with a minimal dose of around 5 mg/serving. You can always increase the dose later if you are comfortable.


With the spread of a progressive outlook about cannabis, CBD, in particular, research-backed advantages of CBD, are slowly coming out in the public domain. CBD’s beneficial properties for human health, coupled with its non-psychoactive nature, make it an ideal unorthodox yet effective medication for a lot of your physical and mental woes. The added advantage for CBD consumers is that they can take it in various forms, from tasty chocolates to streamy vapes and tiny pills. Just make sure you obtain your CBD from a trusted source and always consult a medical expert in case of any complications.

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Julius Rogers
Julius Rogers

Julius Rogers is a health freak and loves to pen health articles that teach, educate, and entertain. He writes health information at various health outlets. Be sure to check out his other ventures!

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