What are 5 Amazing Benefits of CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is all the rage nowadays.  Maybe you have heard of it and maybe you haven’t.  Maybe you have questions about it.  You might want to learn more about it because you would like to get it done.  Whatever the reason you are searching for CoolSculpting on the internet, you are looking for more information, right?

CoolSculpting Benefits Blog Post

What is CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting treatment is a non-invasive procedure that is currently used to get rid of unwanted fat.  It is basically a technology that uses cooling energy to penetrate the dermis and destroy stubborn fat cells.  Some people even experience a 20% fat loss after a single treatment.  Because it is a non-invasive procedure, there is no downtime after the treatment.

CoolSculpting is approved by the FDA, so it should be safe and effective.  CoolSculpting works best with people who are within 15 to 20 pounds of their ideal weight.  It is important to remember that CoolSculpting does not prevent fat cells from growing, it just melts away the current ones.

5 Amazing Benefits of CoolSculpting

Are there dangers to CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a mostly safe procedure and has a really good safety record.  Some patients may experience tingling and redness, but no real severe issues have been reported.  Occasionally there is a Coolsculpting patient that comes out with an issue that has been dubbed the ‘stick of butter effect’, but this is very rare, and the doctors talk to you about it prior to the procedure.

Is CoolSculpting Plastic Surgery?

Coolsculpting is not plastic surgery.  You will not even need a local anesthetic to undergo the procedure. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure.  That means you do not have to get cut open or have anything removed from your body.  Nothing is added to your body, or stretched, pinned back or pulled.  In short, no, CoolSculpting is not plastic surgery in any form.

What is the cost of CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting isn’t cheap, but it is cheaper than plastic surgery.  Depending on where you want to get it, it can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000.  The stomach, which is the most common part that gets CoolSculpted, costs around $1,500.  While CoolSculpting is not cheap, it is not as expensive as adding or permanently removing things.

5 amazing benefits of CoolSculpting

Some people like their body, they just want to take a little bit from here or there.  Sometimes exercise and eating right doesn't help you to lose certain types of fat in certain areas of the body.  CoolSculpting can help you with this.  In fact, CoolSculpting has become more popular than liposuction or other fat removal procedures that require surgery or medication.  There are a lot of benefits that CoolSculpting has over getting plastic surgery:

  • Clinically proven fat loss – Coolsculpting provides people with clinically proven fat loss.CoolSculpting freezes and basically disintegrates fat cells in problem areas.  This is helpful for the person who consistently exercises but just can’t seem to get certain areas the way they want them.  CoolSculpting works really well in the belly areas and on the underside of arms.
  • Zero downtime and recovery – There is no downtime after having a CoolSculpting procedure done.You are not laying on a table getting cut open.  There is no anesthetic at all, and your fat is not being sucked away.  The fat in your body is being frozen and melted away, so you can get up and walk away as soon as your procedure is complete.
  • Easy, painless procedures – CoolSculpting is an easy and painless procedure because it is non-invasive. You aren’t cut open, there is no anesthesia and you do not have to wait to recover.  You do not have to call off work after having this procedure done and you can still do your normal everyday things.
  • Noticeable results within 8 to 12 weeks – Within 8 to 12 weeks you will start to notice a drastic difference in the amount of fat your body is showing.You will be able to look into the mirror and feel better about the way you look.  CoolSculpting is not like a diet where you don’t get to see your weight reduction rapidly; you get to almost immediately start noticing a change.
  • Ability to treat multiple areas, including stomach, thighs, flanks, upper arms, chin and more – CoolSculpting is practically unlimited when you’re deciding what areas to get done.Pretty much anywhere there is serious fat, CoolSculpting can work well for you.  Exercising and dieting alone is sometimes not enough for you to see the results you want to see.  You will lose weight but not in areas that you want to.

Why is CoolSculpting so popular?

CoolSculpting is so popular because it is so great!  Where else can you find a place where you can reduce the fat on your body without going under the knife?  It leaves no scars and there is no recovery time.  What more could you possibly ask for?  You get to look the way you want without having to undergo serious and drastic procedures.  Why wouldn’t it be so popular?

Should I get CoolSculpting

It is up to you whether you get CoolSculpting done or not.  Before you decide to get it done you should go over all of your options.  You should also do your research and talk to a doctor.  CoolSculpting is an easy procedure, and works wonders, but is it right for you?  Are you willing to do the work that you need to do in order to keep your body in shape after the procedure?  There are a lot of things that you need to think about before you get CoolSculpting done, but it may be worth it in the end.

Funny CoolSculpting Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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