How to Ensure Excellent Care for Elders with Alzheimer’s Disease

The percentage of residents over 60 years of age is increasing over the past years. By 2024, it is estimated that one-third of the population in Nassau County will reach 60 years. Even in Suffolk County, this number is quite high, at 26%. This rapid change of population is leading to an increase in the number of people who have Alzheimer's or Dementia.

Many Alzheimer’s home care services in Long Island are trying to relieve the caregivers looking after these older adults. If you’re also a caregiver stressed with caring for a patient despite your busy routine, contact these centers for professional help. Also, follow these tips to ensure faultless care for your loved one.

Care for Elders with Alzheimer’s Disease

Know More about the Problem

Unless you understand the severity of disease and its aftermath, you might not be able to devise the right care plan. So, take some time to know more about Alzheimer's disease. This will prepare you as the condition progresses, and you'll be able to exercise more caution.

Whenever you communicate with the patient, ask simple questions, and regularly interact to understand their feelings. Don't get frustrated because it's a medical condition, and the patients are as clueless as you are.

Create a Balanced Care Routine

Patients who have Alzheimer's can get disoriented and uneasy at times. While it's essential to ensure the independence they deserve, you also have to keep them safe. That's where you need to strike a balance in your care plan. In Long Island, there are many assisted-living residences for patients of Alzheimer's and Dementia.

The numbers increased by 39% over the years 2014 to 2016. So, that option is available. But, if you dislike the option of a nursing home or assisted living, go for Alzheimer’s home care services in Long Island. The caregivers provided by these companies are compassionate and understanding. They are well-trained to look after the patients to ensure their complete well-being.

Find Help Wherever You Can

There are dedicated institutions and associations helping caregivers and patients of Alzheimer’s in Nassau and Suffolk counties of Long Island. Enlist their help to find the best home care service provider near you.

Depending on the conditions of the patient and their unique care needs, you may find the best caregivers for handling tasks like cooking, companionship, driving, meal planning, medication, appointments, etc.

This will not only reduce your stress but also give you more time to spend with your loved ones. You can communicate more with them in a stress-free environment.

Assess Your Options

Once you decide about hiring the home services for Alzheimer's patients, it's essential to choose the best caregiver. Here, you may ask for referrals, check their experience, and interview each candidate. Take your time to ask substantial questions from the caregivers and make sure they understand the requirements of the patient.

Another important aspect is the cost of these services. In Suffolk County itself, the cost of memory care facilities is nearly $6042 per month, which is higher than the national median price at $4800 per month. Home care services are cheaper than this.

With the help of professionals, you can make a care plan that helps to manage Alzheimer’s disease.

Funny Old Age Dementia Cartoon

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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