Tips for Choosing the Best Vacuum Pump

Vacuum pumps are part of the source equipment required for hospital piping systems that transport medically-necessary gases safely and securely. If the pumps are installed improperly or the wrong pump is used, the volatile substances pose a serious fire hazard that threatens the safety of the hospital’s patients and staff.

Tips for Choosing the Best Vacuum Pump

Experienced and reliable medical gas equipment companies, such as, combine safety and affordability to provide a quality source and secondary medical gas equipment for a variety of uses. What comes in must go out.

A secure pump prevents gases from escaping into the air and causing harm. Choosing the right vacuum pump can be overwhelming, especially when considering the great responsibility that is placed upon the facility’s shoulders.

3 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Vacuum Pump

There are five main types of vacuum pumps – rotary, diaphragm, liquid ring, scroll and turbomolecular. Each one is adapted for a specific use.

The vacuum pump you choose will depend on how it will be used and with which gases. However, there are 3 main factors that will help determine which vacuum pump is right for the circumstances.

  1. Pump must be compatible with the chemicals flowing through. Gases and other chemicals that flow through the pump react differently to pressure, moisture and other unforeseen variables.Mixing chemicals can result in catastrophic fires that put the medical facility’s patients and staff at risk. Determining the compatibility of the chemicals used within the pump is crucial for the safety of everyone in the facility.
  1. Factor in maintenance costs and other associated costs. The initial base price of the vacuum pump is a small portion of the overall cost. Associated costs include operating and maintenance costs.The vacuum pump requires regular maintenance cycles to make sure the device is working properly and without issue. The maintenance must be carried out by an expert in medical gas equipment, which contributes to the associated costs.
  1. Calculate speed and pressure requirements. The speed of the vacuum controls the rate gases are flowing through the pump and therefore, the amount of pressure. Each vacuum pump has its own requirements for maintaining pressure, which is fundamental to the safety and functionality of the pump. This information can be calculated using the formulaic equation Q (gas load) = S (pumping speed) x P (pressure.)

The Right Vacuum Pump Ensures Safety for Everyone

Hospitals and medical facilities aren’t the only places vacuum pumps are used. Laboratories at the primary school and college level also use the systems. The University of Texas at Austin provides detailed safety guidelines on how the pumps work.

It is essential that the vacuum pump chosen is the right one for its intended use. The different vacuum pumps have different levels of vacuum velocity. The velocity determines the amount of pressure and quality of the pump, which is an important criterion when choosing the right pump.

An experienced medical gas equipment representative can offer recommendations as to which pump suits the facility’s needs.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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