6 Spa Treatments that Could Improve Your Overall Health

A day at the spa can be a great excuse to take some time out from everyday life and pamper yourself, but some spa treatments can be good for your physical health too. These treatments are usually designed to have health benefits, in addition to feeling great and helping you relax, so here are some spa treatments to indulge in without guilt.

6 Spa Treatments that Could Improve Your Overall Health

  1. Facials

Facials are good for the skin and give you a healthy glow, but they also have a number of health benefits. Facials can be good for acne and other skin conditions, but they don’t just help with unsightly spots, they also can be medicinal. They can also help detoxify your skin, can be anti-aging, and facial massage can improve your circulation to the area, which is what gives you that amazing post-facial glow.

  1. Massages

Massages are great for stress relief, and if you de-stress, this can improve your overall health from your heart rate to your circulation. However, booking a massage at Breathe London does more than just relax you, it can help with a wide range of health conditions. If you have an injury in your soft tissue or joints, a massage can help you heal and stimulate the lymphatic system, ideal for those who have disorders in this area. When you have a massage, you’ll no doubt walk out with looser limbs and feeling lighter.

  1. Steam rooms

When you visit a spa, don’t skip the steam room, as this is an excellent place to sweat out your toxins. There are a number of benefits to using the steam room, which provides a hot, humid environment that opens up your pores to clean the skin, relaxes tired muscles and can reduce blood pressure.

  1. Aromatherapy

Many spas now offer aromatherapy treatments, where essential oils are inhaled or diffused, with different scents that can help with different conditions, such as:

  • Cinnamon oil to clear up chest infections and colds
  • Lemongrass oil to help with fever and stomach problems
  • Lavender oil for insomnia, anxiety and to boost your immune system
  • Tea tree oil for skin conditions
  1. Body wraps

Body wraps are used to lose inches, usually before a big event, but they can also improve your overall health by draining your system of excess fluids and toxins. When you have a body wrap, you feel lighter, with tighter, softer skin, and while the weight loss is temporary, it can encourage you to lead a healthier lifestyle.

  1. Body polishes

Nothing feels better than a salt scrub or full body polish, and this treatment can leave you glowing from head to toe. Usually followed up with intensive moisturizers, these treatments are great to get rid of old, dead skin which can cause breakouts and improve skin texture. Best of all, they hydrate your body and improve circulation, so you leave feeling energized.

Visiting the spa isn’t all about looking good. Many of the popular treatments have hidden health benefits from weight loss to detoxification, giving you one more reason to book a spa day.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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