How to Overcome Trauma in Your Life

Stressful and traumatic events can affect anyone, and if you’ve suffered in a life or death situation, or any event which has left you feeling unsafe and helpless, you may be the victim of trauma. Psychological trauma has a profound effect on your daily life, and who you are as a person – whether it’s disturbing memories, anxiety and a feeling of general numbness – and you may feel like you may never return to who you were.

How to Overcome Trauma

Recovery is possible, however, and there are steps you can take to speed up the healing process.

  1. Seek Therapy
  2. Therapy is a valuable tool for anyone suffering psychologically, in any manner. Therapy options are wide and varied, and there are many specific treatments tailored for trauma and how to overcome it. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing treatment is an example of trauma therapy available, wherein a person is helped to heal, and the traumatic block removed from the mind in order to recover. Companies such as C2Care offer EMDR therapy through the use of virtual reality technology.

  3. Seek Support
  4. A great way to do this is by speaking to other survivors of the same – or similar – trauma you have endured. This could be through the means of an active support group for survivors, or perhaps an online forum which will enable you to speak to people and share your stories. Knowing you’re not alone is important in the process of your recovery. You should also seek the support of family and friends who care about your recovery, too.

  5. Don’t Suppress It
  6. Through avoidance and refusing to talk about your trauma – or even refusing to acknowledge that you might have a problem – you will never hope to recover from it. Only by embracing the problem will you actively be able to heal. This could begin in small steps, such as admitting to yourself and letting yourself think about it and then go on to have small conversations openly with somebody about it. Give yourself time and move slowly, but also ensure you’re moving towards recovery and not suppression.

    The first two steps are important in that you are openly speaking about your issues rather than shutting them off. It’s a good idea to combine all of these steps.

  7. Try Exercise and Mindfulness
  8. It may seem like exercise is always suggested as the solution to psychological suffering, but there’s a reason for it. Not only does exercise keep your body healthy, but it releases endorphins in your body, which have a positive effect on your brain, helping you to think more clearly. It also enables you to concentrate on a fitness routine and hopefully distracting yourself from your trauma.

    Incorporating mindfulness into your exercise routine – and your daily health – can have psychological benefits, too. Really concentrate on the sights and sounds around you, the feelings in your body as you exercise, and your breathing cycle. Meditation exercises can help to relax you and overcome negative thoughts.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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