Botox for Crow’s Feet

We all know what Botox is and how it is capable of giving you a frozen face just like Penelope Cruze or a more refined, natural and wrinkle free look just like Catherine Zeta-Jones. Well, we are not going to get into the controversy of who looks better and why, but one thing is certain – if the cosmetic surgeon has enough credibility and experience you are going to have a more natural look because he would know the exact dosage based on your skin requirements (and muscle requirements) and that could mean the difference between a frozen face and a natural and youthful look.

Botox for Crow's Feet

Well, Botox has been a favorite product with celebrities and commoners alike because of its ability to remove wrinkles but so far it has mostly been used for removal of glabellar lines (on the forehead) and there are actually very few plastic surgeons who prefer to use Botox for the treatment of crow’s feet because of the simple fact that even though it is theoretically supposed to work in those areas, not enough studies are available to establish the safety of Botox for the treatment of crow’s feet.

According to a recent study that was published in the Archives Of Facial Plastic Surgery, researchers have been able to establish the efficacy of botulinum toxin neuromodulators in the treatment of crow’s feet.

Botulinum Toxin Basics

Botulinum Toxin is basically a potent neuromodulator that is extracted out of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and has the capability of paralyzing muscles temporarily by altering the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The study was conducted in the Maas Clinic in San Francisco and there were a total of 77 women and 13 men who were treated for crow’s feet using botulinum toxin derivatives. Two different derivatives of botulinum toxin were used – onabotulinumtoxinA and abobotulinumtoxinA and all these objects were injected with both of them on either side of the face. All of these patients were followed up for a period of seven days and it was found that both of the derivatives had significant effect on improving crow’s feet, but it was abobotulinumtoxinA that emerged as the hands-down winner and the effects are really impressive compared to the other one.

We are already aware of the fact that Botox is capable of paralyzing muscles and getting rid of wrinkles, but they did not know to what extent this toxin would be able to act to improve crow’s feet and this study has clearly established that it is the type A derivative that has a better effect crow’s feet and the type B derivative is a close second offering about the same kind of results.

In both cases it was noticed that the patients did not experience any kind of side effects and that again clearly establishes the safety profile of botulinum toxin for the treatment of wrinkles.

Botox treatment in Oregon :

In both cases it was noticed that the patients did not experience any kind of side effects and that again clearly establishes the safety profile of botulinum toxin for the treatment of wrinkles. Botox treatment is always simple, safe and fast, however if this is your first time to have this treatment, obviously you may feel a little nervous. Book an appointment today for Botox Oregon at Eugene, Oregon.

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Jessica Palin
Jessica Palin

Jessica is a freelance writer with medical background and having a special interest in cosmetic procedures niche. She likes to explore the new things that come up in plastic-cosmetic surgery circle, sometimes along with celebrity surgery gossip and remarkable inventions and trends.

Articles: 1


  1. I have read very seriously above Botox Crow’s Feet therapy about it plastic surgeons who prefer to use Botox for the treatment of crow’s feet because of the simple fact that even though it is theoretically supposed to work in those areas.So I am very interested this therapy if you want also take it visit my website for more information……

  2. I found aggressive information here.Its stops activity in nerves temporarily (the nerve re-grows, so the effect generally lasts a few months until that process is complete) – so it can be used in a wide variety of application. A salesman I know has had it done to keep his palms dry (sweaty palms are good in that line of work), we use to administer it to patients with the inability to urinate (because of urinary muscle spasms – such as from neurological disorders such as MS), for bells palsy to stop facial twitches, for chronic muscle spasms of the neck and back…

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