Being Smarter with Smart Devices

The clock in a doctor’s life seems to run faster than most others, I feel. I may be wrong by a long mile. Besides, being a doctor is not everyone’s piece of cake. It takes a toll on one’s social life more than anything else. Being a doctor in the Armed Forces is a different ball game altogether, with added official and social commitments, besides the hectic schedule at the hospital. The odd schedule at the hospital and office eats away on one’s family time as well.

Being Smarter with Smart Devices Blog

Be it your class schedule, a colleague’s anniversary, a friend’s birthday or a cousin’s marriage, keeping up with social commitments is almost impossible. I am sure I would only be able to remember a couple of birthdays other than my own if it were not for the friendly reminders on my smart devices at home. This is where smart devices have come to my rescue, saving me from numerous embarrassing situations. Besides, Google maps on my iPad and Smart Phone has assisted me in my many awkward journeys, across the country, making them a lot more pleasant.

A Life Driven by Smart Technology

Modern life is hard to imagine without smart devices. Smart devices initially came as novelties but are here to stay, because of their ready availability and reasonably priced solutions. My brush with smart technology was limited to my smartphone and medical devices until recently when I bought myself an iPad. The artificial intelligence engine, Siri, was really handy to work with, helping me with mundane tasks throughout the day, reminding me about my schedule at the hospital, topics to read, an appointment with friends and colleagues, while also reminding me to purchase the grocery list before reaching home to an irate wife. The next smart device on my bucket list is a smartwatch, to aid my health aspirations and to declutter my bag from all the wires.

How has Smart Technology eased our Lives?

    • Smart Wearable: A smartwatch reminds you your schedule, while also recording your every step and calories burnt, and learns your voice and responds to your queries with almost perfect precision. While artificial intelligence integrated into these devices are still a long way from being perfect, they can still do quite a lot of things for you that can simplify your day. Fitness bands are a new fad, but they are a great innovation to add to the concept of healthy living. They can easily track your activities like running, walking, jogging, your heart rate, and more.

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    • Smart Home: A home that responds to my mood is just the doctor’s prescription! I dream of a home that opens to my voice commands and sets the mood by dimming the lights and turning on the music. Of course, it still remains a dream. But, the possibilities are limitless, with preprogrammed actions like heating the water in the bathroom or simply making a cup of tea at a predetermined time. This could surely make my morning schedule a breeze.

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    • Smart lights: The world today is focused on saving energy and smart lights ease this process by integrating with your smart home. With power-saving modes that work throughout the day or night, your electricity bills will be cheaper with these innovative smart lights. They can also set the ambience by changing the light settings depending on your mood or your company – wink, wink!

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    • Smart Camera: Smart security systems are in vogue these days in corporate offices but they are yet to make it to the home environment. Motion-activated cameras help in saving data while recording all relevant activity in the vicinity of your home. These are set to replace the friendly security guard in your housing society in the near future. Newer smart cameras on your phones and other devices are triggered by hand motions or preprogrammed to work with gestures. They are further able to adjust the photographic effects to best suit the time and background of the photograph. Such innovations put to shame formidable computer programs like Photoshop and make decent photography a plaything for almost everyone.

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    • Smart Speakers: Amazon echo powered by Alexa has fascinated me and maybe the next thing after smartwatches in my bucket list. Its ease of use and accessibility for any person, however young or old, is simply amazing. With its artificial intelligence improving by the day, it will be no surprise to see talking and smiling robots in your kitchen serving you a hot cup of tea!

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Last Words

While technology can ease our lives for the better, I wonder if the human touch will ever be replaced! The plethora of smart devices in our lives keep burgeoning every single day and the dream exists that a perfect smart device will ultimately help with all the mundane chores, giving us time for more important things in our lives – like our family!

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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