When Should You See the Dermatologist

Do you know when it’s time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist? For most people, the answer is no. Perhaps it’s the many home remedies being discussed or the many skincare products on the market that have convinced most people that they can rectify matters without the help of a medical expert. While there are certainly noteworthy remedies and products that can treat or soothe the symptoms of skincare issues for some, there are instances in which a dermatologist is the only solution.

When Should You See the Dermatologist

How do you know when you can handle it yourself or you need to see a board certified dermatologist? Here are some signs below:

You’ve Tried Multiple Remedies

If a pimple pops up on your face, dandruff gets out of hand, or you’ve got a little rash, chances are you’ll try your medicine cabinet or the nearest pharmacy for solutions first. If you’ve tried a few solutions (that have been proven to work), with little to no luck, you should see a dermatologist. Trying too many things on your skin can irritate it worse and cause more issues.

It Keeps Coming Back

There are some remedies or products that will appear to treat your skin problem, but they’re not designed to target the underlying issue. For instance, someone treating a cold sore might believe it has disappeared only to have it pop back up next month. As cold sores are infections of the lip and mouth, if it is not easily treated by over the counter products or keeps coming back, it could be something more serious.

Your Problem Gets Worse

One day, you look in the mirror and notice a few small bumps on your face. You treat it with some skincare products and go on with your day. The next day, you notice the bumps are red and itchy and have spread to other parts of your body. Instead of trying to treat it yourself, you should visit a dermatologist. As with any medical problem early detection is ideal. It gives you more options for treatment and higher chances of recovering.

You Look Old but You’re Young

Aging is a normal part of life and can cause drastic changes to the skin. If you’re young but you’ve started seeing changes in your skin like wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots, this is something that needs to be treated by a dermatologist, not a store-bought facial mask or cream. Essentially, the rapid signs of aging are a direct result of sun exposure or other environmental factors. The solution would require significant lifestyle changes.

You’ve Spotted Some Moles

Moles are common but are not always harmless. If you notice moles on your body you need to be screened for skin cancer. This is especially true if the moles have changed in size, color, or shape.

Your Quality of Life Has Been Altered

When your skin looks bad or feels bad it’s only a matter of time before you start to feel down about your self-image. If the problem is causing you to isolate yourself from social events or keeps you so consumed with finding a remedy that you can’t enjoy life, a dermatologist can help. Not only do they know which medicines, nutrition, and skin care remedies will work best for your problem, but they also offer cosmetic services which can help to get rid of imperfections and boost your spirits.

Battling blemishes, treating a few pimples, moisturizing dry skin, and even reducing the appearance of wrinkles are all common skin care problems that can sometimes be treated without medical intervention. However, if you’ve tried several remedies with no luck, the problem seems to reoccur, you’re aging faster than you should be, you notice moles or the quality of your life has been altered by your imperfect skin, seeking help from a trained dermatologist is the best way to ensure your skin and health are properly cared for.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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