7 Home Remedies To Cure Skin Problems

Skin problems are common these days. Pollution, dust particles and sometimes-hormonal change can lead to skin problems. Here are seven best homemade remedies to fight skin problems like a rash, acne, pimples or skin breakouts.

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  • Tomato pulp to remove acne

Tomato pulp act as a decent toner for the skin, it not only prevents acne formation but also unclog the pores and helps the skin to breathe. 
Ingredients: Cucumber and tomato pulp 
Procedure: Mix both cucumber juice and tomato pulp properly. Apply the mixture on a cleansed skin for minimum 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.

  • Sandalwood powder to remove scars

The mixture of sandalwood and rose water provide a cleansing effect on the skin, which helps to remove scars and blemishes from your face. 
Ingredients: Sandalwood powder and rose water 
Procedure:  Mix both sandalwood powder and rose water properly. Apply the mixture on your face for minimum 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.

You might also like to read about the use of CBD oil as a supplement for helping your body detox. You can visit cbdoilsuk.com for that.

  • Honey and Cinnamon mask to remove acne

Honey and Cinnamon are known to have properties that reduce inflammation and are antibacterial which are the triggering factors for acne. 
Ingredients: honey and cinnamon 
Procedure: Mix two tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of cinnamon to form a paste. Apply the mixture on a cleansed face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the mask with water.

  • Aloe Vera to cure burns and rash

Aloe Vera is famous for its clear gel. The gel is generally used to treat rashes or burns. It can also fight inflammation. 
Ingredients: Aloe Vera 
Procedure: Scrape off the gel from the aloe vera plant. Apply the gel directly to the skin or face just like a moisturizer. Keep it on for some time. Repeat 1-2 times a day for healthy and cleansed skin.

  • Lemon Juice to remove whiteheads

Lemon juice is a very good toner. It has very diluted citric acid that lightens the skin and removes whiteheads. 
Ingredients: Lemon juice extract 
Procedure: Extract lemon juice in a bowl. Use a cotton swab to apply it on your face. Keep it that way for at least 10- 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

  • Sugar, lemon juice and almond oil to remove dark spots.

These together form one of the purest homemade scrubs. Almond oil has the property of removing dark spots; lemon juice removes tanning and sugar provides the scrubbing effect. This mixture could also be used as stretch marks remover. 
Ingredients: sugar, lemon juice, and almond oil 
Procedure: Make a mixture by adding sugar, almond oil and few drops of lemon juice. Gently rub the mixture on the affected area or face in a circular motion for at least 10 minutes and then wash it off with regular water.

  • Green Tea to remove blackheads

Green tea astringent and antioxidant properties help to cure blackheads overnight. 
Ingredients: green tea and water 
Procedure: Take a tablespoon of green tea and add water to it. Make a fine paste and apply it on your face. Gently massage it for 2-3 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water.

These homemade natural remedies are a handy way to tackle skin problem. These remedies don't have any side effects and make your skin healthy and glowing.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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