Stay Positive! – Ways to Increase IVF Success Rates

It's no surprise that IVF (in-vitro fertilization) is a stressful and expensive investment that doesn't always pay off – factors such as the cause of your infertility, age and clinic where you're having your procedure done can affect the outcome.  So, what can you do to increase the odds? Well, there's no egg-xact science but here are some tips and advice on how groom yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.

IVF technique

Tip 1 – Be Prepared. Make a Plan

The cycle of the ovum (egg) is around 90 days so it may be a good idea to start preparing three months ahead as what you eat and drink, your blood pressure and flow, along with stress levels can all affect the health of your uterus and egg.

Tip 2 – Invest in a Cleanse

You can start preparing yourself physically by way of a detox – this can help your body rebalance and flush out any potentially harmful toxins, allowing it to recalibrate itself for the upcoming IVF. You can enlist the help of your doctor or local nutrition specialist, who will help you identify any issues you may have and how to go about cleansing your body of any pollutants that might impair your IVF success rate.

Tip 3 – Nutrition is Everything

A well-balanced diet will absolutely help to increase those odds. There are various fertility diets your doctor or nutrition specialist can recommend that will not only help you get healthier but also boost your reproductive organs and increase a healthy blood supply to your uterus.  Popular fertility “superfoods” such as maca and Royal Jelly have been known to be rich in nutrients and perfect ingredients to make into a smoothie. Your partner can also pitch in and go on one of the sperm diets – healthy sperm increases fertilization rates.

Tip 4 – Supplement Your Diet With Supplements

There are a wide range of fertility supplements you can use to help your body prepare for pregnancy. There are supplements ranging from prenatal vitamins to antioxidants to uterine calming herbs that you can add to your fertility diet to help your body boost its immune system and strengthen your uterus.

Tip 5 – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Preparing yourself not only physically but mentally and emotionally for your IVF journey is equally as important. It is not uncommon for women or couples to seek out counseling or therapy as a way to help them get ready for the upcoming treatment. Other techniques and methods that have been used include meditation, acupuncture and creating a stress support system. Communication with your partner is also important – talk to each other about any reservations or fears you might have and how to support each other during times of stress and uncertainty.

In conclusion, if you are looking for further information, are seeking a consult on assisted reproductive techniques – IVF, egg donation, IVF with egg donation – or simply want to explore different options and opinions regarding IVF in Prague or IVF in Czech Republic, consult Medical Travel Czech Republic's website for more details.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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