How to Write an Article for Placement in a Medical Journal

Medicine is a sensitive discipline given the integral role it plays in the health of individuals. For this reason, there is greater attention and scrutiny of different medical writings. Editors will reject any manuscripts that they find to have been ill-prepared while at the same time making attempts to enhance the quality of those that have already been accepted. Medical journals are among those that receive the highest amount of articles with new content.

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Referees help in availing detailed criticism of the content in the submitted papers to enable a given journal to maintain the high standards associated with it. While many authors in the medical profession spend a considerable amount of time and effort preparing content for respected medical journals they tend to experience difficulty placing an article. Here is a guideline that can help potential authors increase the chances of having their manuscripts being accepted.

Have a Great Subject

Ensure you settle on a subject for your article is worth reporting. Avoid the kind of information that will appear repetitive. If you're writing on a topic that other authors have written on before, then much of your content should entail additions.  Going through existing literature on the subject will save you potential time and energy that would have otherwise been wasted on items already covered successfully in the past.


As an author ensure utter honesty in your work. While you may get think that you’ve gotten away with inaccurate information at first, such fabrication is bound to haunt you later when discovered and will see you not being judged harshly but also losing your credibility. Science tends to be self-correcting since scientists are often keen on criticizing new publications. There are a good number of cases where information previously taken as representing the truth have been revisited and fault found in them. There are scientists whose prominence is born out of their work in successfully disputing evidence presented by other scientists in the past.

Appropriate Structure

The basic structure of a medical article meant for publication should include a title page, followed by an abstract that offers an overview of the content in the body of the paper. The paper should start with an introduction. The body should at a minimum have a methodology, results, and discussion sections. The last section of the paper should be the conclusion. On a separate page will be the list of references, figures, and acknowledgements.


Many ideas in the medical field tend to be complex necessitating the need for the use of simple words in describing them. You should employ extra efforts into the simplification of things in the results section. Guide your readers through this section using clear and direct statements. Some journals will turn away great articles simply due to a high level of complexity that may make them less popular among their audience. However, be careful not to convey incompetence or a lack of professionalism. Make sure to use the active voice as it emphasizes the agent of a given action and as such enhancing legitimacy. Check out a free essay online that embraces an active voice and clarity.

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Dr. Lawrence Kindo
Dr. Lawrence Kindo

I am a Medical Professional with a passion for writing, blogging, playing, computers, and of course patient care. My writing in this medical blog will reflect my passion, and you are welcome to be a part of this venture. This medical blog is a tribute to all the great medical pioneers, and to the ultimate source of wisdom, God.

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